Po najeździe na Europę hordy tzw.uchodźców w ślad za nimi wyruszyła broń ........ Pomoc humanitarna z Libii zatrzymana w Grecji. 5000 strzelb w różnych wersjach, dodatkowo pół miliona sztuk amunicji 9 mm amerykańskich marek Yavex. / NAGRANIE PRZEMYTU BRONI NA FACEBOOKU >>> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009564444751
Cargo ship Haddad 1 was intercepted by the Greek coastguard off Crete
Cargo ship Haddad 1 was intercepted by the Greek coastguard off CreteGreek coastguard
Greek authorities have discovered a gargantuan cache of weapons aboard a cargo ship headed to an Islamist controlled area of Libya. The coastguard said a search of only the first two of the 14 containers carried by the Bolivian vessel Haddad 1 had revealed almost 500,000 rounds of ammunition and 5,000 shotguns, of a type similar to that used by police, with no accompanying documentation. >>> http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/greece-seized-tanker-haddad-1-concealed-5000-shotguns-libya-islamists-1518372
Greek authorities found at least 5,000 shotguns concealed amid the cargo
Greek coastguard
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